Loni Jane, blogger super sexy, fisico da urlo dopo due figli: "Ecco il mio segreto..."

Loni Jane, blogger super sexy, fisico da urlo dopo due figli: "Ecco il mio segreto..."
SYDNEY - Chi pensa che dopo due figli le donne non possano tornare in forma, deve vedersela con lei. Loni Jane, una blogger australiana, ha un fisico da urlo nonostante abbia avuto da poco due bambini. E secondo lei il segreto è solo uno...

Come riporta il sito di Radio 105, la blogger ha affermato che a cambiarle la vita (e anche la linea) sia stata la dieta vegana. E a dimostrazione ha postato su Instagram due foto una prima, in cui è più rotonda, e una dopo in cui sfoggia un fisico super sexy. C'è anche un piccolo particolare, nella seconda ha avuto già i due bambini. Il confronto fa discutere.


BEFORE MY HEALTH JOURNEY 2011. Part 2 (see previous photo for transformation) This was when I hit rock bottom. I can just see how sick and tired I was in this photo and I remember it well. The daily struggle of getting out of bed, even after 12 hours of sleep! somewhat depressed, so much inflammation, all day food cravings, water retention, brain fog, alcohol addiction, cellulite, severe fatigue (mostly after meals) constipation (I remember going 2 weeks without doing a 💩😳 wtf! I now realise how toxic my body must of really been from having all the toxic waste leaking into my blood stream all the time 😷 my belly would be so sore by the end of day. I rarely took photos of my body back then, I honestly never imagined that I would transform myself the way I have. At the time it felt like I was only going to go down hill from there on, it seemed impossible to ever feel good cause I actually forgot what is like to feel 'fresh and energised'. Once I got on the right track with eating an abundance of plant food, taking Chinese herbs, probiotics, cleanses, detox protocols ,colon hydro therapy, saunas, self love and respect I started healing, the symptoms of illness subsided and I could really figure out what was going on with my body and with some great help of a holistic doctor and a Natropath, and the extensive research I applied to myself I became the master of my own temple, 'my body, my mind and my spirit'✨

Un post condiviso da Loni Jane (@lonijane) in data:

"Questo è il risultato dopo due neonati - spiega Loni Jane - mangio abbondantemente cibi vegetali, non conto mai le calorie, praticamente non faccio esercizi fisici e non mi sento né limitata né malnutrita".


BE PROUD 🌞. This is the result after 2 babies, abundant plant foods, never count calories, eat until satisfied, little to no strenuous exercise, never feel restricted or malnourished, happily endured two pregnancies and two natural births, late 20s and I feel better than I did at 18. I'm not posting this to impress you I'm posting this to impress upon you with the power of the plants, awareness, self respect and love. I have supported this body as my temple for the past 5 years non stop, healed it from extreme viruses like cmv and dangue fever, parasites, candida, acne, digestive issues, vitamin deficiencies, low blood pressure, adrenal issues,low energy, night sweats and weight gain. I am not claiming I am perfect, and that is not my goal nor do I want it to be yours. The goal is optimal health, always gaining knowledge and learning, to have the body in a state of optimal weight/health! The way you were designed to be. I'm still on the journey every single day. I understand my body more than ever about how it works from studying it so long, I still and always will have a sensitive gut (this stems from birth as a premature baby and the smaller one of twins but I do feel like my gut is getting stronger every year as I learn and apply my knowledge 👍🏼 be kind to your body, listen to that voice inside and treat your body with respect, for it's the only place you have to live 🌈

Un post condiviso da Loni Jane (@lonijane) in data:

Che la ragione del corpo supersexy risieda solo nella dieta, non è dato saperlo. Ma il risultato è da urlo.

Ultimo aggiornamento: Martedì 6 Giugno 2017, 19:46